FHX B Reborn 2017

by Jatinangkring Quy


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Reborn our FHX for you! FHX B Server v7, already know what the game Clash Of Clans or commonly called the COC? yap, this game is one game that is famous all over the world with the total downloads reached 100 million more than the developer supercell. Game Clash Of Clans genre strategy and get ratting 4.6 on the Google Play Store, it is no wonder that the game Clash Of Clans this to be the best game (best-selling) on ??the mobile platform.Welcome to FHx-Server. FHx is one of the famous Clash of Clans private server. Enjoy unlimited resources ... Server B. This server is fully modded
The difficulty of finding lootTownhall upgrade time / more timeThe higher the more expensive town hall upgradeGems are only slightlyAdvances its long, because its hard to get xp
When first run FHX new Clash of Clans, each player will be given resource:
800,000,000 Gold800,000,000 Elixir800,000,000 Dark Elixir800,000,000 Gems